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Timmons, Eshoo, Langworthy, Trone introduce Multi-Cloud Innovation and Advancement Act

Rep. William Timmons (R-SC), Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Rep. Nick Langworthy (R-NY), and Rep. David Trone (D-MD) recently introduced the Multi-Cloud Innovation and Advancement Act of 2023 to advance federal government innovation through the implementation and use of multi-cloud computing software technology.

“As we modernize the federal government with 21st Century technology, we must ensure that our data is protected,” said Rep. William Timmons (SC-04). “Implementing multi-cloud security helps to prevent leaks of sensitive information, allows for constant monitoring of cyberattacks and exposure risks, and creates centralized visibility. As businesses and the private sector move to multi-cloud technology, the federal government should have plans in place to be prepared for a multi-cloud future.”

“Multi-cloud solutions allow users to distribute data across multiple different cloud systems, and they can improve efficiency, enhance security, and provide increased flexibility for the federal government. However, the federal workforce must have the necessary capabilities to use this technology,” said Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-16). “The bipartisan Multi-Cloud Innovation and Advancement Act I’ve introduced will help move the federal government’s IT systems into the 21st Century by directing the federal government to examine how it can adopt multi-cloud computing and what resources it needs to do so.”

“Today, the threats to America's national security transcend the confines of the physical world and have taken root in the digital realm,” said Rep. Nick Langworthy (NY-23). “Safeguarding America's cyberspace is of paramount importance, and the Multi-Cloud Innovation and Advancement Act of 2023 marks a significant stride in that direction. Our federal agencies must establish robust protocols to shield sensitive national security information and the private data of our citizens.”

“Building a business, I quickly learned that to succeed, you must invest in your people and your toolbox,” said Rep. David Trone (MD-06). “Today, as a Member of Congress, that means ensuring our agencies are equipped with the latest technology to operate efficiently and effectively. Americans deserve top-tier service from our federal agencies, and this legislation aims to help deliver just that.”


Multi-cloud computing is the simultaneous use of cloud services from more than one cloud vendor or cloud service provider (CSP). For businesses, multi-cloud typically refers to running enterprise applications on platform-as-a-service or infrastructure-as-a-service from multiple CSPs. The primary benefit of using multi-cloud technology is enhanced security because data is broken up and stored across multiple networks and services. Any multi-cloud strategy should include a multi-cloud security solution to help protect against cyberattacks, data loss, and unauthorized access.

The federal government’s shift to cloud-based technologies has created greater efficiencies amongst its agencies, and the adoption of multi-cloud technology can deliver operational consistency and greater resiliency. The Multi-Cloud Innovation and Advancement Act requires the General Services Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and United States Digital Service to collaborate and issue guidance as to how agencies can implement multi-cloud computing to increase efficiency and interoperability within federal networks.